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HeatSmart Melrose Virtual Kick-off Recording

If you missed our virtual kick-off, you're in luck! View the recording below.

May 26, 2020

Heatsmart Melrose virtual kick-off webinar

On May 19, the HeatSmart Melrose Team hosted a virtual kick-off event through WebEx with the City of Melrose. The conversation included an introduction to the program as well as a discussion of the application of clean cooling and heating technologies being promoted in the campaign. During the event, some of our neighbors were available to join and speak to their own experiences installing air source heat pumps, ground source heat pumps, and solar hot water. We'd like to thank Lisa and Will Condon, Steve Manwell, and Michael Rigney for taking the time to connect and offer their testimonials and the City of Melrose for hosting our virtual events. Due to current circumstances, we will likely schedule more similar events on WebEx and we look forward to connecting with you there until we can all meet again in person!    

View the recording of the webinar below and feel free to reach out to our HeatSmart Coach, Susan Murphy, at with any questions.