Welcome to the HeatSmart Great Barrington site!
Here you will find all the information you need on this special program for Great Barrington residents. Learn about Air Source Heat Pumps (ASHPs)—the cheaper, cleaner alternative for heating and cooling your home—and learn how to access this equipment at a special discounted price and take advantage of additional rebates.
A group of local volunteers have teamed up with the Town of Great Barrington to bring you HeatSmart Great Barrington. This is the latest local program to help Great Barrington residents save on their energy bills while reducing their carbon footprint. Following on the successful 2013 Solarize Great Barrington program, HeatSmart Great Barrington offers a simple way for homeowners and business owners to learn about and purchase high-efficiency, cold climate air source heat pumps at a special discounted price.
Like the 2013 Solarize Great Barrington program, HeatSmart Great Barrington helps make your heating and cooling system greener and cheaper—and offers Great Barrington residents the advantage of thousands of dollars in rebates. And just like the Solarize program, HeatSmart Great Barrington is supported by the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center and Massachusetts Dept. of Energy Resources.
With support from a team of technical experts, your local Great Barrington team has carefully selected Climate Heating and Cooling, out of Pittsfield, MA, as the best installer for HeatSmart Great Barrington—based on their ability to offer a combination of quality service and specially-discounted pricing to our community members. Come to one of our kickoff events to meet our installer and learn more about HeatSmart Great Barrington and the clean heating and cooling options available to you.
HeatSmart Great Barrington is now open for customer sign-ups! Click here to sign up for a free site visit from our installer. And get a jumpstart on the whole process by signing up for a free home energy audit from MassSave, especially if you haven’t had one in a few years. The audit will identify other ways to help you save energy and make your home more comfortable year-round—and make you eligible for the rebates and financing for clean heating and cooling and home weatherization available through HeatSmart Great Barrington. Learn more about how to get your free audit here.
Once you’ve completed your audit, you might also consider completing the suggested home insulation and weatherization improvements, which will make your home even more comfortable and improve the performance of your heat pump.
Learn more how you can get your free audit—and access thousands of dollars in MassCEC and Mass Save rebates—here.
Questions? Want to get involved? Contact the HeatSmart Great Barrington Coach, Michael Feldstein, at .
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What is a heat pump?
Heat pumps transfer heat in and out of buildings to provide heating and cooling in one system. They're not unlike air conditioners that can run in reverse and collect heat from the outdoor air—even when it's below -10°F outside!
As a clean heating and cooling technology supported by state programs, cold climate-optimized, high-efficiency heat pumps can help you can save on your energy bill and improve the comfort of your home, all while reducing your greenhouse gas emissions!
More detailed information about air source heat pumps, as well as the specific models that will be offered by our selected installers, will be available soon.
How much does a heat pump cost? What kind of rebates are available?
Pricing will vary depending on your home and your needs: the cheapest heat pump applications start at around $3,500-4,000 before rebates. The Massachusetts Clean Energy Center and Mass Save offer thousands of dollars in rebates to help offset the cost of purchasing a heat pump system!
Stay tuned for more info: a full guide to rebates and the special pricing that will be available through this program will be online soon!
What can I do to get ready for HeatSmart?
Get a free home energy audit through Mass Save!
Mass Save, the state's utility energy efficiency program, offers free home energy assessments to residents of Great Barrington. Not only will you learn more about how your home uses (and loses) energy, but completing this audit is a requirement for the 0% interest Mass Save HEAT Loan, thousands of dollars in rebates for additional home insulation, and MassCEC's Clean Heating and Cooling rebates for heat pumps.
In fact, it is recommended that you complete some of these home insulation upgrades before installing a heat pump to make your home even more comfortable, save you more on your energy bill, and improve the performance of your heat pump.
Sign up for your free home energy audit today!
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