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Webinar: How to Use Your Heat Pump Efficiently

Join us on Wednesday, January 27 at 7pm for an informative webinar session on air source heat pumps! Sign up hree:

Registration Details Below!
Melrose, MA 02148
United States

Heat pumps are a great, safe, and energy efficient heating source; they have the ability to keep you cool during the summer months and warm during the winter months.  It’s no wonder that heat pumps are increasingly popular in Melrose, with over a hundred systems being installed through the HeatSMART Melrose program alone. 

Heat pumps do operate differently from fossil fuel combustion or electric radiant heat; they are essentially like an air conditioner that can run in reverse. Rather than generating heat from burning fossil fuels, heat pumps take existing heat and move it from one location to another. This means households that have switched to heat pumps may need to change their thermostat settings and habits to have the most comfortable and lowest cost operation. For example, heat pumps work most efficiently when thermostats are kept at a pretty consistent temperature, rather than using deep setbacks during the day and at night as is often done with conventional heating systems.

Interested in learning more?  HeatSMART/CoolSMART Melrose will be holding webinar on Wednesday January 27 at 7:00 pm featuring a presentation by HeatSMART’s technical consultant Jeremy Koo, advice from our HeatSMART installers Joe Wood at New England Ductless and Larry Lessard at Achieve Renewable Energy, and the opportunity to ask questions of the experts. Register here:

HeatSMART/CoolSMART Melrose is a partnership between the City of Melrose, the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC) and Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources to promote clean heating and cooling through a group purchasing model, with installers selected through a competitive procurement process. The program is currently wrapping up but our installers are keeping their special Melrose group pricing open for a limited time; if you are interested in participating and haven’t signed up yet please email or visit for more information.