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The cheaper, cleaner alternative to heating and cooling your home is here!

This summer and fall, a group of volunteer Northampton residents are teaming up with the City of Northampton to bring you HeatSmart Northampton, the latest city initiative to help Northampton residents save on their energy bills while reducing their greenhouse gas emissions. In 2013, Northampton launched Solarize Northampton, one of the most successful campaigns around the state to help Northampton residents go solar together at a discounted price. HeatSmart Northampton is focused on bringing you cold climate air source heat pumps (often referred to as "mini-splits"), a new, highly-efficient and clean technology that can heat and cool your home or business.

Optimized for New England winters, these new cold climate heat pumps can offer a cheaper, cleaner alternative for those who heat with heating oil, propane, or electric resistance heating. Combining cold climate heat pumps with improving the air sealing and insulation of your home can offer one of the best, most cost-effective ways to save on your home energy bill, improve the comfort of your home, and reduce your greenhouse gas emissions.

The HeatSmart team selected Express Plumbing, Heating & Solar through a competitive procurement process to provide Northampton residents with cold climate heat pumps at a special program discount. Sign up online or come to one of our many "Meet the Installer" events to learn more about heat pumps, Express, HeatSmart Northampton, and other ways you can save on your energy bill.

HeatSmart Northampton will run until January 31, 2018.

Why air source heat pumps?

Cold climate air source heat pumps offer one of the most efficient ways to heat and cool your home or business. This highly-flexible technology can be used to heat and cool parts or all of your home or business while saving you money, improving your comfort, and reducing your carbon footprint.

Learn more about heat pumps

Already have a heat pump? Learn some tips and tricks on how to maximize your energy savings and home comfort!


How much does a heat pump cost?

HeatSmart Northampton has partnered with Express Plumbing, Heating & Solar to provide Northampton residents and businesses with a special, limited-time discount through the program. Additionally, the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center and Mass Save offer over $900 rebates for heat pump systems. Click on the links below to take a look at our base pricing sheet and learn more about the rebates available to you.

View the HeatSmart Northampton pricing guide

Learn more about heat pump rebates in Massachusetts

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