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Incentives and Financing

Learn more about the incentive and financing options available to help you with your heat pump installation.

Incentives are available from Belmont Light and two programs from the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources to support the installation of cold climate air source heat pumps. Several financing options, including a 0% interest loan over 7 years, are also available to help you with an installation. Read on for more information about the available programs.


Note: You can receive incentives from all of the programs described below if your heat pump project meets the eligibility requirements.

Program Name Description

Belmont Light Rebate

Summary: Belmont Light offers rebates between $650 and $1,500 depending on the size of your heat pump. Consult the table below to find out how much your system could receive:

Rated cooling capacity (Btu/hr) Rebate Amount (partial displacement) Rebate Amount (full replacement)
Up to 11,999 Btu/hr $650 $1,150
12,000 - 23,999 Btu/hr $1,000 $1,500
24,000 - 35,999 Btu/hr $1,250 $2,250
36,000 Btu/hr or more $1,500 $3,000


Full Replacement: You are eligible to receive the larger full replacement adder if you are able to demonstrate in your application that your heat pump system is serving as your sole source of heat. This could include providing an invoice showing removal of your existing fossil fuel system as a line item or by providing photos documenting removal of the existing system.


Adders: You are eligible for an extra $500 adder if you have a Residential Rate A Low-Income or Small Municipal Rate MB on your electric bill

Eligibility: All Belmont light customers that heat with any fuel type are eligible to receive this rebate. Rebates must be approved before you purchase and install your system. All systems must be NEEP Cold Climate Air Source Heat Pumps.

Learn more and apply now at

Home MVP Pilot Program

Summary: The Home Energy Market Value Performance (Home MVP) Pilot Program is a new pathway from the Dept. of Energy Resources that provides incentives and access to financing (see below) to participating homeowners based on the level of energy reductions received. The size of the incentive is dependent on a number of factors, including how much energy you used before installing a heat pump and any energy efficiency upgrades you complete at the same time. The incentive will go directly to Muirfield, who will pass along a portion of the incentive, depending on the amount of extra time needed for incentive submission and approval from DOER. Regardless of the size of incentive you receive, participating in the MVP program will give you access to 0% financing up to the cost of your project minus any incentives received.

Eligibility: All residents of Massachusetts are eligible to participate in the MVP Program. If you're interested in the MVP program, speak to Muirfield when they reach out to you to schedule a site visit!

Alternative Energy Certificates (AECs)

Summary: As a clean heating and cooling (or "renewable thermal") technology, heat pumps receive certificates from the state that must be purchased by Massachusetts utilities to meet a state compliance requirement under the Alternative Portfolio Standard. (If you're familiar with SRECs from solar PV, think of these as SRECs for heat pumps!)

The value of each certificate fluctuates based on supply and demand, and the number of certificates your system will receive is dependent on a number of factors, including: (1) size of your home, (2) the efficiency of your home (e.g. HERS Rating of <50), and (3) whether the heat pump system serves as your sole source of heat or not.

Eligibility: All residents of Massachusetts who install qualifying heat pump systems can register them under the APS. For your system to qualify, it must serve at least 90% of the heating load of your home, with 50% more certificates awarded if your system serves as your sole source of heating with no backup (same as the larger Belmont Light incentive above!.




Program Name Description

Home MVP Pilot Program

Summary: Homeowners that participate in the Home MVP Pilot Program (discussed above) can receive financing for heat pump systems and other eligible energy efficiency upgrades. This loan, supported by the Dept. of Energy Resources and offered by a select number of local lenders is offered at 0% interest over 7 years. The maximum amount that can be financed under this loan is the lesser of $25,000 or the value of all eligible improvements minus the cost of any incentives received.

Eligibility: All residents of Massachusetts are eligible to participate in the MVP Program. A variety of energy efficiency improvements beyond heat pumps are eligible to be financed under this loan with the exception of anything related to fossil fuel equipment. If you're interested in the MVP program, speak to Muirfield when they reach out to you to schedule a site visit!

Our installer, Muirfield Mechanical, has helped homeowners submit hundreds of rebates over the years. Muirfield will make sure you understand how much you could receive when providing you a quote and will help you with submitting any paperwork necessary.

If you have any questions or concerns, we encourage you to reach out to the HeatSmart Belmont Coach at .



As part of the HeatSmart Belmont program, we have established standard, transparent pricing with Muirfield for all participants. Check out our detailed pricing guide here.