Thank you for your support!
Thank you for your interest and participation in HeatSmart CCL! As of August 31, 2018, HeatSmart CCL is no longer accepting new signups. If you are interested in working with one of the installers we selected—Achieve Renewable Energy (GSHP), New Day Energy (modern wood heating), and New England Ductless (ASHP)—feel free to reach out to them for a site visit.
HeatSmart CCL was a resounding success: with your help, we reached thousands of residents in the towns of Carlisle, Concord, and Lincoln, over 300 of whom signed up for our program. In total, 64 homeowners signed contracts to install clean heating and cooling systems, which will save our communities thousands of dollars and hundreds of tons of greenhouse gas emissions a year. A special thanks to all of the volunteers who supported our efforts, including but not limited to, students from Concord-Carlisle High School.
If you have any questions about HeatSmart CCL, contact the coach from your town:
- Carlisle: Bob Zogg ()
- Concord: Brad Hubbard-Nelson ()
- Lincoln: John Snell and Belinda Gingrich ()
The HeatSmart Mass pilot program was developed with support from the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC) and the Department of Energy Resources (DOER).
Three towns, three technologies
Learn more about air source heat pumps's>
What kind of incentives are available?
Available rebates could cover up to 50% of the cost of a new clean heating and cooling system! A variety of financing options, including the 0% interest Mass Save HEAT Loan (for Carlisle/Lincoln residents only) are also available.
Learn more about incentives and financing options
missed out on heatsmart?
Get a free home energy audit through Mass Save or the Concord Municipal Light Plant!
If you live in Carlisle or Lincoln, Mass Save, the state's utility energy efficiency program offers free home energy audits. Completing this audit will not only provide you with more info about your home's energy usage, but also make you eligible for the 0% interest Mass Save HEAT Loan, thousands of dollars in rebates for additional home insulation, and MassCEC rebates.
Sign up here if you live in Carlisle or Lincoln
If you live in Concord and don't heat with gas, the Concord Municipal Light Plant will provide you with your free home energy audit. Similarly, completing this audit is a requirement for Concord MLP's rebates.
If you live in Concord and heat with gas, Mass Save, the state's utility energy efficiency program will provide you with your free home energy audit, which is a requirement for CMLP's rebates.
Sign up here if you live in Concord and heat with gas