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Need an unbiased second opinion to help you make your decision? Get on the phone with the HeatSmart team and a heat pump expert from Cadmus to get your questions answered.

Are you looking for some more information before moving forward with installing a heat pump? Having difficulty weighing multiple options from your installer? Do you want a third party to review your quote and answer your questions?

The HeatSmart Hudson-Stow team will be hosting call-ins in the month of December to help you get the information you need. We'll be joined by a heat pump expert from Cadmus, an energy consulting firm that works closely with the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center, Mass Save, and the state's Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs on clean energy issues, who will talk through your concerns and provide unbiased answers to your questions.

Sign up for a 15-minute timeslot in the Google form below, and let us know more about your home, your goals in participating in HeatSmart, and what questions you have so that we can prepare for the call ahead of time.