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About HeatSmart


HeatSmart Northampton is the latest of the City's initiatives to help residents and businesses save money on their energy bills while also reducing their greenhouse gas emissions. Driven by a group of volunteer Northampton residents, HeatSmart Northampton is bringing you cold climate air source heat pumps, a new, highly-efficient and clean technology that can heat and cool your home or business.

Back in 2013, Northampton launched Solarize Northampton to help residents go solar together through a straightforward process at a more affordable price. Solarize Northampton was one of the most successful Solarize programs in the state, with over 100 new solar systems installed through the program.

This year, instead of targeting electricity, HeatSmart Northampton is targeting heating and cooling, which accounts for the majority of your home energy bill. HeatSmart is bringing you all of the benefits of Solarize Northampton and more:

  • A transparent, discounted price
  • A qualified, local installer, vetted by the City and local home energy experts
  • A clear, low-hassle process for participating in the program and accessing state rebates and financing
  • Educational workshops where you can learn more about heat pumps, HeatSmart, and other ways to save on your energy bill
  • Open house parties with homeowners who have already installed a heat pump, so you can see what it looks like, how it works, and speak with a homeowner that has already decided to heat smartly

HeatSmart Northampton is a win-win for everyone involved. Northampton residents and businesses get access to a special, limited-time discount on energy saving heat pumps. The City can help homes and business save money while reducing their greenhouse gas emissions towards the City's goals. And by installing a heat pump and reducing the amount of imported fossil fuels you use to heat your home, you keep more of your money here with Western Massachusetts businesses instead of sending it out of state and overseas.

About the HeatSmart Team

HeatSmart Northampton is being organized by volunteers from across the community with support from the City of Northampton and installation services provided by [installer name]. Together, the HeatSmart team have designed the program to help achieve their shared goals: helping Northampton residents and businesses save on their energy bills and be more comfortable year-round while also reducing their carbon emissions.

The City of Northampton Energy and Sustainability Department is coordinating HeatSmart Northampton. The City is a leader in climate action with .... Learn more about the City's sustainability initiatives here.

Express Plumbing, Heating & Solar LLC is the Hatfield-based installer selected through the competitive HeatSmart process to serve Northampton residence. A locally-owned and operated company, Express has been providing heat pump, plumbing, heating, and solar hot water services across Hampshire County since 1998.

Mothers Out Front is a national climate activism group with local chapters in the Pioneer Valley. We are mothers and other caregivers coming together across the political spectrum to motivate leaders toward action on behalf of children. Our goal is a swift and just transition away from fossil fuels and toward clean and renewable energy. Northampton members of Mothers Out Front are volunteering to support HeatSmart Northampton's public outreach efforts.
Climate Action Now is a local grassroots group dedicated to building a powerful, unstoppable climate justice movement in Western Massachusetts. CAN is dedicated to an equitable and swift transition to the use of clean, renewable energy and increased energy efficiency. Northampton members of Climate Action Now are volunteering to support HeatSmart Northampton's public outreach efforts.