Wood Pellet Heating

Modern high efficiency wood pellet boilers provide reliable comfort for your family or coworkers and savings for your home or office budget -- with the added bonus of being eco-friendly too.

Wood and other types of biomass have been used for heating for decades. You may remember your grandparents throwing logs into the fireplace or stove to warm up the family on a cold night. Today’s choice for wood fuel is high-quality wood pellets and the fireplace or stove has been replaced with high-efficiency heating systems that not only perform as well as natural gas systems, but can also automatically load new pellets and clean themselves. They offer reliable comfort for your home or business and can save you thousands of dollars over their lifetimes when you replace an oil or propane boilers or electric baseboards.

Below is an infographic that describes how wood pellet heating works. Scroll past the infographic or click here to read some more in-depth articles that will provide you with everything else you need to know about how wood pellet heating works and whether wood pellets are a good fit for you and your community.